Term formation tendencies in mathematical terminology. A corpus-based study

Zveme vás na přednášku s názvem Term formation tendencies in mathematical terminology. A corpus-based study, kterou prosloví PhDr. Marianna Hudcovičová, PhD. (Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF Univerzity sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnavě) ve středu 8. listopadu 2023 od 14:10 hodin na FF Ostravské univerzity (Reální 5, místnost DM-323). V případě potřeby lze kontaktovat Mgr. Gabrielu Zapletalovou, PhD. ( Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript ).



The talk presents a contrastive analysis of mathematical terms, i.e. simple nouns; the focus is on the term formation within the word class of nouns. Origins of the English and Slovak terms are analysed, described and compared. It is expected that Latin and Greek are the original languages of terms in both languages. Slovak terminological equivalents are compared with the English ones in term preference the Latin/Greek term, or the native term if it exists. Data are collected from the Slovak National Corpus 10.0, i.e. English – Slovak Parallel Corpus 4.0 en, Slovak – English Parallel Corpus 4.0 sk, and the British National Corpus. Specific trends and tendencies in the strategies of term formation are analysed. Terminology records of terms are examined from lexicogrammatical point of view and on the basis of term-formation tendencies in each analysed language, i.e. Slovak and English.



Kalendář akcí
Tento týden217
Tento měsíc976